When people asked me what I did that day, my response was usually "watched gossip girl, walked the dog then went to the beach... uhhhh... thats about it". I felt bored listening to myself. I got only fleeting satisfaction from doing next to nothing.

The purpose of this post is not to complain about my time in New Zealand. I did exactly what I needed to do before I engaged in the next chapter of my life. My holiday highlight reel is action packed with unique crazy adventures, including but not limited to:
- The bottle cap game at the bach
- Raisin spotting at Taka beach
- Late night sheesha sessions
- Drinking bourbon at the local skateboard park
- Midnight skinny dips and high school dates
- Playing frisbee with my handsome dog
- Bromance, man-dates and broners
Would you be happy if you never had to work again? Would you stop working if you won lotto? What is the purpose of life if you are not contributing, or growing, or achieving?

Anyway fuck that - I'm not ready to become some baby daddy.
What else if not for the pitter patter of little feet? Work? Money? Health? Is it all the same thing? Is it all just spreading our peacock feathers to attract a mate? What if you don't want a mate? What if you just want promiscuity and maybe the odd spooning?
Well, I don't know the answers to these questions. Maybe you do?

I have concluded that life is like an RPG (role playing game e.g. Dungeons and Dragons). Yes it is a truly geeky analogy, please don't judge me. We are all our own hero/avatar in the game of life.
We all have quantifiable attributes and skills for example:
- Personality
- Health
- Wealth
- Relationships
- Work
- Intelligence
So what of my avatar's purpose? My avatar wants to be the best. It wants to win the game of life. It wants to be a knight... or wizard... or shaman... or dark prince... oh shit I don't know what I want my avatar to be!

So here I am. Sitting here in a hotel room in Manila, Philippines. My avatar is about to start a new adventure. I don't know where he is going, what challenges lie ahead, and what type of hero he is going to become.
Strangely I observe a smooth blend of comfort and excitement in this ambiguity. Life could be so simple if you knew exactly where you were going next, or where you were going to be in 10 years.
But who wants a simple life? Some people do. I don't.