Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sheep Lovers

I was in an office lift with four middle aged Filipino men, they were all speaking to each other in their native tongue - Tagalog

As they were speaking, one person distinctly said "New Zealand" amongst other Tagalog words that I didn't understand.

My ears picked up...

Another repeated it, and said "Sheep". All of them laughed.

There was more speaking, and "New Zealand" was mentioned another 2 or 3 times, then somebody said "Nature lovers" and they all burst into laughter again.

I interjected with a cheeky grin on my face "Yes there are lots of sheep in New Zealand…"

They all laughed in embarrassment and one asked if I was a kiwi. Then went on to say how great New Zealand was… even better than Australia!
I knew the sheep joke was well known… but not that well known that middle aged Filipino bankers would crack jokes about it in the office lift. I felt a mixture of pride in my country, and embarrassment for the men that got caught joking about a country's world famous fetish for white woolly animals.

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